Una vez examinadas y evaluadas todas las propuestas admitidas, se adjudica el contrato a la empresa HOPSCOTCH SOPEXA.
En el informe de adjudicación anexo a esta noticia se especifica la argumentación que fundamenta esta decisión de la mesa de contratación constituida al efecto.
Tender for the design and execution of the 'Eat Spain Drink Spain 2024' promotional campaign in Germany. Award resolution
01/07/2024 | Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Düsseldorf
The Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Düsseldorf (Germany), on behalf of ICEX Spain Export and Investment, announces a call for tenders for the design and execution of the 'Eat Spain Drink Spain' campaign, to be carried out in Germany during 2024.
Once all the accepted proposals had been examined and evaluated, the contract was awarded to the company HOPSCOTCH SOPEXA.
The resolution report attached to this news item specifies the reasoning on which this decision of the contracting board constituted for this purpose is based.