Detalle de oportunidad


LICITACIONES - Licitación multilateral

Interim impact Evaluation Study: Beneficiary Survey Second Additional Financing for the Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities/ Community Based Water Supply Project (PAMSIMAS III


Interim impact Evaluation Study: Beneficiary Survey Second Additional Financing for the Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities/ Community Based Water Supply Project (PAMSIMAS III

Assignment Countries:
- Indonesia


As PAMSIMAS has been implemented in more than 10 years, has evolved in terms of design and implementation structure in responding to recent development, and in mid-year of the implementation period of PAMSIMAS III, thus an interim impact evaluation study will be sought to assist the project for improving the quality of implementation in the implementation period, improving the quality of its likelihood in achieving its objective, and to fill in the gap of outcomes which was not available in the previous evaluation studies. Objective of this Interim Impact Evaluation Study is to: (a) assess the likelihood of the project in achieving its development objective and intermediate outcomes; (b) measure changes in the living conditions of households after receiving services provided through Pamsimas assistance; and (c) quality of potential sustainability of services and behavior change within communities. The interim study will be carried out as ...

Árbol jerarquia

Referencia ICEX Tipo oportunidad Título Fase
ON-0000004832 Programa BIRF/CFI/MIGA - COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK 2016-2020 Aprobado
Proyecto Proyecto Nacional de Abastecimiento de Agua Urbana Aprobado
Licitación multilateral Estudio de evaluación provisional de impacto: encuesta de beneficiarios de la Segunda financiación adicional del tercer suministro de agua y saneamiento para comunidades de renta baja /Proyecto de suministro de agua comunitario (PAMSIMAS III Manifestación de interés / Precalificación




03.02 Asociación Internacional para el Desarrollo

03.01 Banco Internacional para la Reconstrucción y el Fomento


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