Detalle de oportunidad


LICITACIONES - Licitación multilateral

BM - MANIFESTACION DE INTERES: Asesor de gestión nacional

P154780 National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST [EOI] MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSING, DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA SATUAN KERJA PENGEMBANGAN AIR MINUM BERBASIS MASYARAKAT THE NATIONAL RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION PROJECT/PAMSIMAS III [Project ID No.: P154780] NATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT [NMC] The Government of Indonesia has applied for an additional financing (not yet effective) from the World Bank in the amount of US$ 300 million toward the cost of the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project [PAMSIMAS III]. The Implementing Agency, the Directorate General of Human Settlements under Ministry of Public Works and Housing (DG Cipta Karya/MPWH) intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services namely National Management Consultant (NMC). This EOI for NMC is announced in the MPWH''s website (, local newspapers and UNDB online. Interested firms can download the standard forms of EOI from the website. The key objective of the consulting services ( the Services ) under the Component 5 is to support the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) in the overall project management, monitoring of i...

Árbol jerarquia

Referencia ICEX Tipo oportunidad Título Fase
ON-0000004832 Programa BIRF/CFI/MIGA - COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK 2016-2020 Aprobado
Proyecto BIRF - Proyecto de saneamiento y suministro del Agua Nacional Rural Aprobado
Licitación multilateral BM - MANIFESTACION DE INTERES: Asesor de gestión nacional Manifestación de interés / Precalificación




03.01 Banco Internacional para la Reconstrucción y el Fomento


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