Detalle de oportunidad


LICITACIONES - Licitación multilateral

Pronóstico de generación de fuente solar: estudio de variables influyentes y desarrollo de un modelo de pronóstico




Energy and Mineral Sectors Strengthening Project II  - META - II

Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: nº  9074-BR


Assignment Title:  Solar Source Generation Forecast: Study of influential variables and development of a forecast model

Reference No. SUBPROJETO 24 BR-ONS-268466-CS-QCBS


The MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY– MME received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Energy and Mineral Sectors Strengthening Project II (META – II), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services ("the Services") comprise the development of models for forecasting photovoltaic solar generation, considering a time horizon that extends from minutes up to one month ahead, methodologies and tools for data processing and analysis, including an extensive literature review of studies associated with this area of interest. This project is divided into two stages and includes the development of 30 products as per the detailed Term of Reference (TOR).

The project's time duration is 24 months, and the expected start date is the 2023 first half, ensuring full consistency with the TOR attached to this Request for...

Árbol jerarquia

Referencia ICEX Tipo oportunidad Título Fase
ON-0000758370 Programa BIRF/CIF/MIGA - Brazil - Country partnership framework for the period FY18 - FY23 Aprobado
Proyecto Proyecto de fortalecimiento de los sectores de energía y minerales II Aprobado
Licitación multilateral Pronóstico de generación de fuente solar: estudio de variables influyentes y desarrollo de un modelo de pronóstico Manifestación de interés / Precalificación




03.01 Banco Internacional para la Reconstrucción y el Fomento


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