Detalle de oportunidad


LICITACIONES - Licitación multilateral

BM/BIRF - MANIFESTACIÓN DE INTERÉS - Servicios de asesoría para la gestión diaria de la unidad de gestión de proyectos

P144269 Forest Management Unit Development The Republic of Indonesia Forest Investment Program (FIP) Promoting Sustainable Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Institutional Development Project Project ID: No. 144269 / Project Grant No. TF0A2858 & TF0A2104 Consulting Services for the Day-to-Day Management of the Project Management Unit C4.CF1 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (REOI) The assignment period is for 5 (five) years. The objective of the above mentioned project (referred to hereafter as FIP 2 project) is to strengthen institutional and local capacity for decentralized forest management and generate improved forest-based livelihoods in targeted areas. The project has an agreed set of results and targets it needs to achieve. The long term goals of the FIP 2 project are to support government efforts to improve forest and land governance, implement sustainable forest management, by strengthening institutional and local capacity for decentralized forest management and generation of improved forest-based livelihoods in targeted areas. Using grant funding, the Government will address the regulatory obstacles, capacity needs, and community engagement, all of which are necessary for improving the decen...

Árbol jerarquia

Referencia ICEX Tipo oportunidad Título Fase
ON-0000004832 Programa BIRF/CFI/MIGA - COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK 2016-2020 Aprobado
Proyecto BIRF/BM - Promoción de gestión sostenible comunitaria de los recursos naturales y desarrollo institucional Aprobado
Licitación multilateral BM/BIRF - MANIFESTACIÓN DE INTERÉS - Servicios de asesoría para la gestión diaria de la unidad de gestión de proyectos Manifestación de interés / Precalificación




03.01 Banco Internacional para la Reconstrucción y el Fomento


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